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Hamdy Tawfik-manar9

Brian Tracy - How to Master Your Time

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Brian Tracy - How to Master Your Time
English| Audio Book | MP3 128Kbps | Publisher: Nightingale Conant

Product Description
Wouldn't it be extraordinary to learn how to manage your time?

Wouldn't you like to have more time available to get more
done? To make more money and have more time to spend doing the things
you like, and being with the people that make you happy?

Imagine having more energy, less stress and a greater sense of control.

It's easy... become the master of your time.

Time mastery doesn't
mean letting the clock rule your life. In fact, the very opposite is
true: time mastery gives you the absolute freedom to do what you want,
when you want to do it.

I have created a practical and simple
program on time management for you to achieve an outstanding life.

I will teach you the philosophy of time management, to help you
internalize it, and to help you develop a belief system that will make
your every moment more efficient.

You will make a decision to
become excellent at time management...to concentrate on the highest
pay-off tasks.

I designed this program to give you everything you
will ever need to know about mastering your time for your personal life
and career. Your life will simply work better.

Through this
valuable 6-CD audio program, you'll learn to:

* Model your
own behavior after the most efficient people
* Learn to lead
others as an example of successful time management
* Become
results-oriented, working smarter, not harder
* Delegate more
effectively and become more adept at prioritizing
* Energize
yourself with the positive results of your labor

Be, have and do
anything you want in your life, and learn how easy it is to implement
positive time management in your every day world.

With How to Master your time you will receive hundreds of valuable ideas that you can put to use right now.

Everyone starts the day with the same
24 hours... How will you use yours

hotfile.com BB_H2MYT.part1.rar.html
hotfile.com BB_H2MYT.part2.rar.html

uploading.com BB_H2MYT.part1.rar/
uploading.com BB_H2MYT.part2.rar/

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موضوع تنظيم الوقت هو موضوع هام ويشغل ناس كثير ....انا مثلا قبل ان انام انظم اعمالى وواجباتى واضع جدولا زمنيا لكل عمل ساعمله فى الصباح..وبذلك اتم ما على فعله بفضل وتوفيق من الله..ولكنى احب ان استفيد من خبرات الاخرين....ولذلك ساطلع على هذا الكتاب

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