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نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح

امتحان مادة قراءة وفهم 2 123 دور يناير 2010

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Read the
following passage then answer the questions:

Reduce! Reuse!

Changing the
way we live

Centuries ago, world population was
low, cities were small and there were few factories. A little smoke rising into
the air, or some household rubbish thrown into a river or lake, did not matter
very much. But now the world population is large and is growing rapidly.
Moreover, we are encouraged to buy more and more things, so we manufacture more
and more, causing pollution. In addition, many products are now made of
plastic: we cannot easily destroy them when we no longer need them without
causing even more pollution.

Cars and other vehicles choke roads. We
breathe in their exhaust fumes daily. Countless generating stations and
factories fill the atmosphere with gases and dump their poisoned waste into
rivers and oceans. Certain gases rise high into the atmosphere, and damage the
ozone layer, a thin layer of gas which protects the earth from the sun's
dangerous rays. This damage has resulted in a great change in the world's
climate. The weather is getting warmer, the polar ice will melt and sea levels
will rise, drowning many islands and cities.

We must reduce our consumption now, and
reuse and recycle as much as possible. Otherwise, our planet will become poisoned
and choked by its own waste.

As individuals, we should be as
responsible as possible in our everyday life. We should try to keep our
environment as clean and tidy as possible, and have consideration for our

Answer the
following questions:

1. What are the consequences of the
damage in the ozone layer?

2. Mention three different reasons for
the increasing pollution in the modern world.

3.How can we help solving the problems
of pollution?

4. How do cars and vehicles add to the

B) Choose the correct answer:

1. Hundreds
of years ago, little pollution didn't matter much because—

Governments didn't care.

People, cities and factories
were less.

There were no solutions.

Products were not made of

The planet will be poisoned unless------------------

People stop growing rapidly.

We recycle rubbish.

Factories stop manufacturing.

Cars and vehicles are banned.

Write a paragraph of not less than six sentences on the following topics:

What is the function of food in our bodies?

How can we keep fit and healthy?

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تسلم أيديكى يارحاب وشكرا جزيلا على مجهودك وبالتوفيق للجميع

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الله يكرمك ياسارة ممكن اسال سؤال فين احمد وشيماء مش باينين ليه

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رابط المشاركه
والله يابنتى علمى علمك دة حتى بالذات أحمد كأنة فص ملح وداب بقالة فترة مابيدخلش أما شيماء فبصراحة ماخدتش بالى لعلة خير على العموم نتمنالهم التوفيق

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رابط المشاركه
مين قال ان انا دوبت

ازيك يارحاب عاملة ايه ياسارة

انا لسه موجود بس لظروف مش هاقدر ادخل المنتدي زي الاول تقريبا دخولي للمنتدي هايبقي معدوم
بس لو حد محتاجني ضروري اكيد انتوا عارفين تجيبوني ازاي

وابقوا طمنوني عملتوا ايه في الامتحانات

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رابط المشاركه
ماشي ياسيدى أهم حاجة أنك تكون بخير وربنا معاك وبالتوفيق ليك فى الامتحانات

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رابط المشاركه
طيب خير ابقى طمنا عليك الحمد لله لحد دلوقتي كويس دعواتك وربنا يوفق الجميع

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رابط المشاركه

انشئ حساب جديد او قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من اضافه تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

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