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السلام عليكم، واضح إن مافيش غيري في التيرم السابع هناSmile

عموماً، كان عندي شوية أسئلة بالنسبة للتدريب ده ولو حد يقدر يساعد يبقى كتر خيره. التدريب بيقول:

Analyse the following sentences, breaking them down to their component parts, deciding whether they contain one clause, two or more and what linkers are used:

(هما تلاتين جملة، بس أنا حكتب الجمل اللي أنا شاكة في إجابتي عليها):

3. In all times and places, music has been a necessary part of the dance
(Complex, 1 independent clause and 1 phrase)

4. The huge African elephants escaped from the Russian circus in the north of country

5. In ancient times primitive people knew how to use fire to their benefit

12. I have found the book I have been looking for everywhere
(Complex, 1 Independent clause,
1 adj clause)

15. You must find out why he declined the job offer

18. We made the scenery, the girls made the costumes, and everybody turned out for the amateur theatricals.
(Compound, 3 independent clauses, 1 linker and)

21. Various people passed him, and he walked on, saying nothing
(Compound, 2 independent clause, 1 linker and)

24. One day as the boy came by, the blinds were drawn, and the opportunity to indulge his longing seemed at hand.
(Complex, 2 independent clauses, 1 dependent clause, 1 linker and)

25. He plucked a berry and ate it, but its taste was bitter, and he took no more
(Compound complex, 2 independent clause, 1 dependent, 2 linkers and , but)

26. As he was about to turn away, the blinds of a window flew open, the old lady leaned out and cried "Now, you naughty boy, you have found your reward."

(Compound complex)

30. "The divine", "The enchantress" , "The monster", "The unique", "The golden voice" - the strong feelings that Sarah Bernhardt aroused in her contemporaries have reverberated down the years, to the point where she now symbolises a whole period.

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قدراتك وذكائك بخير ..

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