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Hamdy Tawfik-manar9

John Steinbeck - Of Mice And Men (Audiobook)

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John Steinbeck - Of Mice And Men (Audiobook)

John Steinbeck - Of Mice And Men (Audiobook)
3 Discs | ISBN 10: 1565117700 | 110.43 MB | ENG | September 1992

Of Mice and Men is a novella by Nobel Prize winning author John Steinbeck,
first published in 1937, which tells the tragic story of George Milton
and Lennie Small, two displaced Anglo migrant ranch workers in

California during the Great Depression.

Based on Steinbeck's own
experience as a bindle stiff in the 1920s (before the arrival of the
Okies he would vividly describe in The Grapes of Wrath), the title is
taken from Robert Burns's famous poem, To a Mouse, which is often
quoted as: "The best-laid plans of mice and men go oft awry." Though it
remains required reading in many American, Australian, British, New
Zealand and Canadian high schools, Of Mice and Men has been the
frequent target of censors for what some consider "offensive" and
"vulgar" language, and appears on the American Library Association's
list of the Most Challenged Books of 21st Century


hotfile.com Joh...nd_Men.rar.html



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