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نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح
Hamdy Tawfik-manar9

How Great Decisions Get Made

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How Great Decisions Get Made 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement

All too often, solving tough work issues can become a tug of war as
clashing departments, priorities, personality styles, and other
concerns threaten to destroy any possibility of a successful
conclusion. But by sharing hopes, and focusing on information rather
than debate, the path to agreement can become wonderfully clear.

How Great Decisions Get Made shows how to bring out the best in
people, so that the process of decision making cements groups together
rather than pulling them apart. The book gives readers a simple 10-step
process to help their people overcome seemingly intractable
differences, paving the way for groups to:

- Embrace a world view filled with the possibility of creating better results together
- Shift their attention from the stale “What should we do?” to a fresh “How can we achieve what we really want?” attitude
- Tap into who they are to define and articulate their hopes

Readers looking for quick, exciting ways to energize their often
contentious decision-making process will find all the help they need,
from real-life scenarios showing the process in action to a
self-assessment checklist. How Great Decisions Get Made provides the
key to overcoming barriers, making people feel great about the work
they do, and achieving extraordinary results.


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