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السلام عليكم ورحمه الله اخوانى واحبائى ان شاء الله بدأنا فى هذا الموضوع ومن عنده اى شيىء يتعلق بالادب الانجليزى من قصائد او ابيات شعريه او مقتبسات او حكم يضعها هنا ومهما كان عدم اهميتها من وجه نظرك ممكن تكون مهمه للاخرين وتضيف لهم والله الموفق

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
Mother and Father
When burdens are heavy to carry
You stretch out a hand.

When I feel that I can't make it,
You show me that I can

In everything you stand by me,
When others turn away.

And all the things you've done for me,
In my heart will stay.

If in this world, there were no you,
It would be so drear.

The Kindness that you offer is
So honest and sincere

I know that I am better and,
I know I'm blessed by you.

I send these words of "Thank You",
For all the things you do

Thank you Father
Thank you Mother

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رابط المشاركه
'' If u want something,you just go for it..If u get it , you won.. But if u don't get it , u don't loose , at least u have tried..it's never a shame to loose after trying..But is a shame if u loose whitout trying..Sit back..and thinks about my words..and u will know..that i'm not lying...."

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
The Best Moments In Life
[b]1. Falling in love.

2. Laughing till your stomach hurts.
3. Enjoying a ride down the country side.
4. Listening to your favorite song on the radio.
5. Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside.
6. Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself with a warm, fuzzy towel.
7. Being part of an interesting conversation.
8. Finding some money in some old pants.
9. Laughing at yourself.
10. Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends.
11. Laughing without a reason.
12. "Accidentally" hearing someone say somthing good about you.
13. Watching the sunset.
14. Listening to a song that reminds you of an important person in your life.
15. Receiving or giving your first kiss."""
16. Feeling this movement in your body when
seeing this special" someone.
17. Having a great time with your friends.
18. Seeing the one you love happy.
19. Wearing the shirt of a person you love and smelling his/her"" perfume.
20. Visiting an old friend of yours and remembering great memories.
21. Hearing some telling you
True friends[b] come in the good times when we tell hem to, and come in the bad times.....without calling."

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
When the storm clouds come
you're always there to see me through.
If the whole world walked out,
I know you'd be there to hold my hand.
What more could I ask than
to have you as a friend.
We've been down some rocky roads,
but we walked them side by side.
You could never lose me now even if you tried.
You're with me when I'm good
and you're still there when I'm bad.
I can't fake a happy face for you,
you always know when I'm sad.
You never ask me to be more than I can be.
You are my friend, you let me be me.

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
I Wish For You

I wish for you...
on difficult days,
when sadness intrudes,
to follow the clouds,

to kiss your lips,
to warm you heart,
Gentle hugs
when spirits sag,

to brighten your being,
for your eyes to see,
for when you doubt,

so you can believe,
to know yourself,
to accept the truth,
love to complete your life.

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
Balance Your Life

Imagine life as a game.
In which you are juggling some 5 balls in the air.
You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit.
And you are keeping all of these in the air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball.
If you drop it, it will bounce back.

But the other four balls.
Family, friends, health and spirit are made of glass.
If you drop one of these,
They will be irrevocably scuffed or damaged or even shattered.
They will be never the same.

You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.

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رابط المشاركه

My world is a whole lot better
Because of friends like you,
Who give real joy and pleasure
By the nice things that you do!

... God Bless You...

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رابط المشاركه

"Wherever you are is always the right place. There is never a need to fix anything, to hitch up the bootstraps of the soul and start at some higher place. Start right where you are."

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
MY One and only LOVE

There are just so many words
But I can't find one that's perfectly true.
I have said lots of I love you's
Have given you lots of kisses and hugs
I have given you my all
But still those are just not enough.

You're the only one I desire
You're the only one in my heart
Through good and
To my one and only love
That no one will ever compare
Take this simple vow
Let this be my devotion forever.

I love you and I will never leave you
No matter what happens I'll always be true
Though times may be rough
and days may be tough
I'll stick with you through and through
until the next life...

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
Sometimes it's so easy
To just lose track of time.
The weeks and months just pass us by
And it seems like such a crime!

It's a shame we haven't kept in touch!
We really should talk more,
'Cause if there is one thing for sure -
That's what friends are for!

I really miss talking to you and
I hope you'll write back soon!

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,
Enough trials to make you strong,
Enough sorrow to keep you human,
And enough hope to make you happy.

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رابط المشاركه
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past:
You can't go forward in life until you
Let go of your past failures and heartaches

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
Don't count the years - count the memories....
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
But by the moments that take our breath away!

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
[center]the real face of love

Love is like a small pen
If it’s done it won’t write again
Love is like a flower that you’ll like and adore
It’ll wilt and fade but it remain hard for u to ignore
Love is akin to a game of chess
It begins like the sweet first kiss
And ends like a mysterious

Love is like an unforgettable dream
It lights your time as a sunshine beam
You’ll open your eyes and it’ll dwell as a picture in a frame
Love is like a kindle that seems to cry
It burns itself like it counts each day
It doesn’t tell u where, how and why
Until it reaches its end and die
Love is like a stairs that lead u to the sky
It gives you wings and u feel u can fly
With every hard step u make, u pray
In the end, all your trials in vain and couldn’t reach the high


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رابط المشاركه
That's so nice
thanx all
really .. I want to write something now

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

SPECIAL is a word that best describes you ..
SPECIAL" is a word that is used to describe something "
like a hug or a sunset or a person who spreads love

with a smile or kind gesture
SPECIAL describes people who act from the heart and
keep in minde the heart of others
SPECIAL applies to something that is admired and precious
and that can never be replaced
SPECIAL is the worde that best describes you

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

Thank you for your vision and objective to my comment

enigma_sinai كتب:

the idea is great, but i have some reserves
on Grammar and spelling. they make sentence more accurate and meaningful

so I'm ready to accept any advice may be useful to me in improving my writing in English as it is in the Arabic language ..
Flashing forward and advise me if you have any observations that could be useful to me I hope you tell me it so we can all benefit from them and also from your experiences ..

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
don't think that iam steeped in English, i still studying
but lets discuss it together in order to improve each other

SPECIAL is a word that best describes you ..
SPECIAL" is a word that is(i think that next"is" should be omitted) used to describe something "
one-of-a-kinde(you mean kind? because kinde is no longer in use, it's
archaic spelling)
like a hug or a sunset or a person who spreads love

with a smile or kind gesture
SPECIAL describes people who act from the heart and
keep in minde (mind) the heart (hearts) because "others" is plural of others
SPECIAL applies to something that is admired and precious
and that(why would you use two conjunctions?)can never be replaced
SPECIAL is the worde(word) that best describes you
in your leading sentence, you have said"special is a word" but in concluding one you say"special is the word", why the
change of the rhythm?


شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
First I would like to thank you very much ..
II ..
Ah this really great .. Can you believe I did not notice this already .. Even when I changed the description of the word special in the beginning and end of the topic I actually did not notice I've done that .. As for the spelling, I think that I have big problems, because I'm not good enough .. But I hope to learn from these errors .. And accessible to all with me ..
And thank you again for your feedback task ..

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
it is ok pal , we are here to help each other
and you would catch some misspelling within my writings
but hey, you're good in English

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
[Well .. hehehehe I felt too embarrassed your words ..I'm not good for this far and you also reduce your English is not bad at all ..
I hope that our communication is always lasts

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
exactly, i would use reduction rather than beating about the bush
ok, thanks for being discussable
and i apologize to the writer for this irrelevant post

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رابط المشاركه

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