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 برجاء وضع اى تعليق يخص هذه الماده فى هذا الباب سواء كان تعليق من زملاءسبق ان درسو هذه المده فى التيرمات السابقه ووفقهم الله وأرادو المساعده بالنصح والارشاد او زملاء نشترك معهم فى نفس الماده ولديهم معلومه تفيد الزملاء مثل المقرر والمحزوف والملغى او اضافه تلخيص او خبره شخصيه او طلب اى شىء من الزملاء وهذا لمزيد من التعاون والتنظيم وسرعه البحث والحصول على المعلومه

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أتمني أن تشمل هذه المادة نحو مقارن.

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Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings (and may or may not have different pronunciations).
shift n. (a change)
shift n. (a period at work)
shift v. (slang for 'move it')

In (1) all three words are identical in spelling and pronunciation (ie they are also homophones),
but differ in meaning and function. These are commonly described as
different senses of the same word, but if a word is regarded as a
unique idea separate from its orthography and pronunciation then they
are two different words.

(2)read /riːd/ (present)
read /red/ (past)

(2) is an example of two words spelt identically but pronounced differently. Here confusion is not possible in spoken language

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there is no Arabic meaning for schwa. You can use these information to explain the meaning for them.
The schwa is the vowel sound in many lightly pronounced unaccented
syllables in words of more than one syllable. It is sometimes signified
by the pronunciation "uh" or symbolized by an upside-down rotated e.
A schwa sound can be represented by any vowel. In most dialects, for example, the schwa sound is found in the following words:
The a is schwa in adept.
The e is schwa in synthesis.
The i is schwa in decimal.
The o is schwa in harmony.
The u is schwa in medium.
The y is schwa in syringe

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A polyseme is a word or phrase with multiple, related meanings. A word is judged to be polysemous if it has two senses of the word whose meanings are related


* Mole

1. a small burrowing mammal
2. consequently, there are several different entities called moles (see the Mole disambiguation page). Although these refer to different things, their names derive from 1. :e.g. A Mole burrows for information hoping to go undetected.

* Bank

1. a financial institution
2. the building where a financial institution offers services
3. a synonym for 'rely upon' (e.g. "I'm your friend, you can bank on me"). It is different, but related, as it derives from the theme of security initiated by 1

However: a river bank is a homonym to 1 and 2, as they do not share etymologies. It is a completely different meaning. River bed, though, is polysemous with the beds on which people sleep.

* Book

1. a bound collection of pages
2. a text reproduced and distributed (thus, someone who has read the same text on a computer has read the same book as someone who had the actual paper volume)

* Milk
o The verb milk (e.g. "he's milking it for all he can get") derives from the process of obtaining milk.

* Wood

1. a piece of a tree
2. a geographical area with many trees

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why these words represene problem for the Arab leaner

make - actor - months

ياريت اللي يعرف اجابة السؤال ده يضعها هنا

الخاصه ب 3 كلمات بالاعلي


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السلام عليكم انا فى الترم السابع يارت حد يقولى اذاكر المده دى ازاىوالامتحان شكله ايه ياريت حد يجاوبنى لانى بجد مش عارفه اذاكر

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newdodo كتب:
السلام عليكم انا فى الترم السابع يارت حد يقولى اذاكر المده دى ازاىوالامتحان شكله ايه ياريت حد يجاوبنى لانى بجد مش عارفه اذاكر

اهلا اختي الكريمة newdodo

هذا المادة تعتمد علي الفهم الي حد كبير ... لذلك انصحك ان تستمعي الي المحاضرات التلفزيونيه

ستجدين بعضها هنا /montada-f26/topic-t893.htm

واذا كنت تستطيعين الحضور في الجامعة فهذا افضل

كما يوجد مع المادة عدد كبير من التدريبات المحلوله حاولي ان تتبعي طريقة الحل وتفهميها

ستجدين كل مايخص تلك المادة وجميع مواد التيرم السابع في الرابط السابق

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HAMDY كتب:
why these words represene problem for the Arab leaner

make - actor - months

ياريت اللي يعرف اجابة السؤال ده يضعها هنا

الخاصه ب 3 كلمات بالاعلي


actor is a problem for the Arab learner because of the schwa at the end of the word , for we do not have the schwa sound in Arabic and the Arab learner would pronounce it with the or at the end strong

months is a problem because of the constant cluster, in Arabic we have only two maximum following each other, while months has more than 3 constant cluster one after the other, so the Arab learner would pronounce it "monthez"

Make is a problem for the Arab learner, for we do not have the dipthong "ei" in Arabic to pronounce it and the Arab learner will pronounce it like he would pronounce the Arabic word بيت

I hope this is helpful

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HAMDY كتب:

Thanks Dalia

You are more than welcome

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السلام عليكم اعضاء المنتدي الاعزاء
لو سمحتم لم عند اي حد فيكم تطبيقات فيديو في الترجمة الفورية ترم سابع
يعرضها لينا علشان نقدر نعرف شكل الامتحانات ايه وكمان علشان نقدر
نتدرب عليها
مليون شكرا

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السلام عليكم اعضاء المنتدي الاعزاء
لو سمحتم لم عند اي حد فيكم تطبيقات فيديو في الترجمة الفورية ترم سابع
يعرضها لينا علشان نقدر نعرف شكل الامتحانات ايه وكمان علشان نقدر
نتدرب عليها
مليون شكرا

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انشئ حساب جديد او قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من اضافه تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

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