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نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح

الملغي والمقرر للترم الاول مارس 2009 (نهائي)

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كل سنة وانتو طيبين الحمد لله وصلنا لنهاية الترم وان شاء الله يكون ترم جمييل علينا كلنا

اولا تقريبا مفيش ملغي في النحو عربي وانجليزي

القراءة والفهم :
المواضيع المقررة هيا
part II

الترجمة :
زي ماقال الدكتور الكتاب كله مهم ومواضيعه ممتازة
وبعد كدة قال ركزو علي القطع من 1 الي 17
وقال بعد كدة القطع الي تتعلق ب الـ Media مهمة بردوا

الثقافية :
زي ماقلنا قبل كدة المقرر

وبعض الطلبة اشتكوا ان الاسئلة في التطبيقات والكتاب كتير ومش عارفين يركزوا عليها فمشكورة قالت الدكتورة علي الاسئلة المهمة وانا جمعتها من الكتاب والتطبيقات ورفعتها علي الرابط ده


ويارب بالتوووفيق ان شاء الله واشوفكوا في الاجازة وادعوولي

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ربنا يبارك فيك يا أحمد، أنا مش معاكم في التيرم الأول، بس يا بخت زمايلك بيكSmile

بالتوفيق لينا كلنا يا رب!

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شكرا يااحمد وربنا يوفقنا كلنا يارب

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فعلا شكرا جزيلا وربنا يوفقك يااحمد وينجحك احسن نجاح اانت واحنا وكل الطلبة اللي زينا

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يا سلام يا احمد لو كل الناس زيك كده

ربنا يبارك فيك ويوفقك

وتجيب تقديرات حلوة

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انا كمان مش في الترم ده بس بضم صوتي لكل اللي شكروك ودعولك

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ياجماعة والله اخضريت خجلا مش عارف اقولكوا ايه امال لو جيبتلكوا الامتحان مثلا هاتعملولي تمثال والله ده اقل واجب والي المفروض فعلا يتشكر يبقي الحج حمدي

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شايف الطمع طيب احنا عايزين الامتحان شكلك واصل اوى ههههههههههههههههه

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ايوة والله شكله واصل بجد يارحاب كتر خيرك ياأحمد

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ياجماعة والله لا واصل ولا حاجة بالعكس دانا اوووول مرة اقلق بالشكل ده خايف جدا من الكمبرهنشن والجرامر مش عارف ليه

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على فكرة انا مش عارفة أفتح أسئلة المادة الثقافية يأأحمد

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الاسئلة المهمة في الثقافية 115

Exercise (1)

Ancient England

2-Answer the
following questions:

1- When did tribes flourish in the British

2-When did people emerge from the Paleolithic era into the
Neolithic era?

What purposes did stone structures (henges) serve in the Neolithic era?

When did the English society move into the Bronze Age?

Exercise (2)

Roman Invasion AD 43-410

1-Answer the following questions:

1-Describe the Roman army that defeated
the Britons.

4-Describe some of the Roman
achievements in Britain.

3-Answer the following questions:

4- Who led the resistance of the
tribes of Wales
against the Romans? What was the result?

5- Why did the citizens of Britain
write to Emperor Honorius in 410?

6- How did Emperor Honorius answer
the citizens of Britain
who wanted him to help them? Why?

4-Translate into Arabic:

In May AD 43, Roman commander Aulus
Plautius invaded Britain from Boulogne. He brought with him four legions
and about 20,000 auxiliary troops. The Roman army landed on the Kent
coast and defeated the Britons in a series of skirmishes. In the early autumn,
Emperor Claudius arrived with reinforcements (including elephants) and
personally supervised the capture of Colchester.
Claudius accepted the surrender of eleven tribal kings, appointed Aulus
Plautius as the first Governor of Britain,
and returned to Rome.

Exercise( 3)

Anglo-Saxon England

1-Answer the following questions:

When did most Anglo-Saxons convert to Christianity?

What are the four kingdoms that existed by the ninth century in Britain?

When did the Anglo-Saxon rule come to an end?

3-Answer the following questions:

long did the Anglo-Saxon period last?

is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle?

6- Who
became king after the death of Edward the Confessor?

7- Who
led the Norman army which invaded England in 1066? What was the

into Arabic:

Anglo-Saxons also brought their own religious beliefs, but the arrival of Saint Augustine in 597
converted most of the country to Christianity. The Anglo-Saxon period lasted
for 600 years, from 410 to 1066, and in that time Britain's political landscape
underwent many changes.

Exercise (4)


1-Answer the following questions:

What was the battle between William of Normandy
and King Harold called?

When was William of Normandy crowned King of England?

3-Answer the following questions:

did William organize the government of England?

succeeded William on the throne of England?

was William Rufus hated?

took the place of William Rufus after his death?

was Henry's first thought when he became King of England?

did Henry's army seize Normandy?

4-Translate into Arabic:

organized the government of England
on the system that had been so successful in Normandy. This is called the feudal system,
and it is based on the ownership of land. William took the land away from its
English owners and divided it among his Norman lords. Most of the King's own
land was forest, which he kept for hunting.

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