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اعتقد ان الامتحان يأتي حوالي 70% منه من التدريبات ، فهل هذا صحيح؟
إذا كان صحيح فلا داع لتصفح المحاضرات المكتوبة و سوف اركز علي التدريبات فقط Smile

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رابط المشاركه
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بالنسبة لهذه المادة 313 فإن هناك تطبيقات جديدة نزلت على النت وقالت الدكتورة إن هذه التتطبيقات مهمة.
وخلاصة الموضوع إن هذه التطبيقات عبارة عن فقرات غضافية لنفس المواضيع السابقة وإضافة بعض الأسئلة
ولكن قمت بعمل ملخص لهذه الأسئلة وغجابتها لمن يريد
( على فكرة أنا لسة ما حفظتش الملخص، ربنا يسهل)

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رابط المشاركه
Summary 313


Identity the importance of poetry in literature.

Poetry is the Literature in its most intense عاطفي, most imaginative, and most
rhythmic forms

State the impact of the use of metaphors in poetry.

The use of metaphors in poetry
creats a
greater concentration of meaning than is ordinarily
found in prose

Define, the term, “poetry”.

The term poetry is commonly used for all composition in
verse; it is also used more restrictively to identify serious verse composition
of high quality

The definition of poetry is variable. Elaborate.

The poets of each
generation and their interpreters have had their own definition of poetry,
their own sense of what poetry is and what poetry does:

Poetry is "a
criticism of life
". —Matthew Arnold

Poetry consists
of "imaginary gardens with real toads in them".
Marianne Moore

provides the one permissible way of saying one thing and meaning another".
—Robert Frost

(5)What does the essence of poetry mean?

The essence of poetry means that poets commonly make use of
figurative language and symbolism.


Poetry is characterized as fiction, and, therefore, any
imaginative artistic work might be called poetic. Elaborate.

Poetry is characterized as fiction, and, therefore, any
imaginative artistic work might be called poetic because poetry is not tied to
fact or history.

The aim of poetry is differently identified among the
schools of thought. Mention these views.

The aim of poetry is differently identified among the
schools of thought since it could provide pleasure or instruction or insight.

What was the role of poetry ever since its emergence?

(Poetry originated نشأ as a collective endeavor. Explain)

Poetry originated as a collective endeavor because it
played a major role in religious and other ceremonial events and it also helped
to preserve a tribe’s or group’s history and its traditions.

No subjects is off-limits to the poet. Clarify.

To call poetry a discipline seems
limiting in itself, but poetry is surely the one literary area in which
anything goes, as long as the poet's emotions have been aroused.

Although poetry can be approached intellectually, it is equally
an emotional experience. Explain.

Although poetry can be approached intellectually, it is
equally an emotional experience because poetry is meant to be experienced
rather than read.

Why is rhyme a common device in poetry?

Because it’s a chief contributor to
establishing rhythm.

State the role of rhythm in poetry.

Rhythm is an essential element of poetry; variations on the
rhythmic pattern create auditory interest and also introduce a new or different
idea or viewpoint.

When did poetry dispense with rhyme?

in the last several centuries, much twentieth- century
poetry dispensed with rhyme.

What is meant by the “poetic diction”?

the “poetic diction” is a special " poetic '' vocabulary used heavily in the past.

The brevity of poetry affords it a particular intensity.

The brevity of poetry affords it a particular intensity
because each word in a poem tends to be packed with meaning.


“verse” is used as a synonym for “poetry”, there is a great difference between
them. Discuss.

(2) Poetry is superior
to verse. Do you agree?.... (Explain)

Yes, I agree that poetry is
superior to verse by virtue
ميزته of its imaginative quality, intricate structure,
serious or lofty subject matter, or noble purpose.(2) however
لكن, the term verse is often used
more specially to denote
يدل على metrical and rhymed compositions of lesser
literary value. The term is also sometimes used to refer to a single line of
poetry, or as a synonym for stanza
مقطع شعري.


What is the correct and incorrect definition of verse?

The correct definition of verse is that it is an individual
line of poetry whereas the incorrect definition, although common, is using
verse to refer to a stanza of a poem or song.

All poetry is verse, but that not all verse is poetry.

Many of those who make this distinction argue that verse is
a lower form of expression than poetry; verse, they suggest, is notable mainly
for its rhythmic and metrical form, whereas poetry is characterized by
imagination, a less obvious ( and more intricate ) structure, and a lofty

Some scholars
believe that verse, as a term, is more inclusive
شامل than poetry.

term verse is more inclusive term because it is covering
forms (such a light verse) that are typically not classified as poetry.


Define, briefly, the term, "drama".

Drama is a literary work written in dialogue to be performed before an audience
by actors on a stage.

Mention the basic elements of drama.

What does the term "drama" identify?

the term drama identifies anything from tragedy to
melodrama, from high comedy to farce.

Identify the origins of drama.

(What is the origin of drama?)

Drama had its origins in religious ceremonies. Greek comedy
evolved from Dionysian fertility rites; Greek tragedy, from rites concerned
with life and death.

What was medieval drama concerned with?

Medieval drama is concerned with Christian rituals
commemorating the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

When was prose dialogue introduced?

prose dialogue was introduced in the sixteenth century.

When was prose dominant? Why?

By the eighteenth century prose had become dominant مسيطر, due largely to the demands of
a rising middle-class audience for more contemporary subjects and themes.

The basic elements of drama have remained unchanged.

Because Drama is still presented through dialogue for the
entertainment and instruction
تعليم of an audience.

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Drama م2

Where did Greek comedy and Greek tragedy originate in?

Greek comedy originated in fertility rites, Greek tragedy
in rites of sacrifice.

How did drama develop during the renaissance?

Beginning with the renaissance, drama has continued to
develop new forms and styles. For example, early drama was poetic; prose
dialogue was introduced in the sixteenth century. By the eighteenth century
prose had become dominant
مسيطر, due largely to the demands of a rising
middle-class audience for more contemporary subjects and themes.

What are the two major divisions of Drama?

The two major divisions of Drama
are comedy and tragedy.

Although all plays are dramas, not all dramas are plays.

Although all plays are dramas, not all dramas are plays
because closet dramas are meant not to be performed but, rather, to be read as

Some movies are classified in the drama section of video
stories. Clarify.

Some movies are classified in the drama section of video
stores because contemporary usage permits the term ‘drama’ to be applied to a
wide range of serious works.


1. Define, briefly, the term, "play".

Play is a drama intended for performance before a
theatrical audience.


What is the difference between prose and poetry?

poetry is presented in lines but prose is presented in paragraph

What is prose characterized تتصف ب by?

Prose is characterized by the sort of plain,
straightforward statement found in everyday speech.


1.How does the work of prose become more artful?

By employing devices such as a certain mode of rhythm,
imagery, and sonority

2. Poets tend to innovate whereas prose writers
tend to imitate. Explain.

Poets tend to innovate whereas prose writers tend to
imitate because prose writers make belated use of those poetic innovations that
can be adapted to the prose environment.

What is prose expression
characterized by?

Prose is characterized by grammatical design and not
deliberate or regular rhythmic or metrical patterns.

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رابط المشاركه

Define, the term, “novel”.

A novel is a lengthy fictional narrative in prose dealing with characters,
incidents, and settings that imitate those found in real life.

What is the main concern of the novel?

the novel is concerned with the depiction of middle-class
and working-class characters (rather than legendary heroes) engaged in such
ordinary pursuits as falling in love; getting married; traveling; making money;
contending with their environment, with other characters, or with their own
limitations; and struggling for advancement in their society or profession.

What is the impression the novelist tries to deliver
through his novel?

The author, while obviously inventing people and
situations, attempts to give the impression that he or she is reporting the
facts as they occurred.

The novel lacks neat مرتب / متقن and tidy
classification. Explain.

Because of tremendous variety in
type, form, and subject matter, the novel resists neat and tidy classification.

Trace the emergence of the novel.

When did the English novel emerge as a literary genre?

(5) (6)
While the roots of the novel reach back into classical literature and can be
found later in such forms as the epic
قصيدة طويلة/
, the
Italian novella (from which the word novel derives), the picaresque tale
(Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote), and the medieval and French
romances, the English novel did not emerge as a clearly recognizable genre
until the eighteenth century.

Mention the first fully realized novel by the critics.

Samuel Richardson's Pamela (1740) with being the
first work that can be called a fully realized novel.

Mention two eighteenth century writers who contributed to
the development of the novel.

Other eighteenth-century writers important to the
development of the novel are Daniel Defoe (Moll Flanders), Henry
fielding (Tom Jones)

What is the first truly American novel?

The first truly American novel, The Power of Sympathy
by William Hill brown

Who is the first important American novelist who wrote in
the gothic tradition?

Charles Brockden Brown, considered to be the first
important American novelist, wrote in the gothic tradition.

By whom was The Scarlet Letter written?

Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet
appeared in 1850 and Herman Melville's Classic Moby-Dick in

Explain, briefly, the significance of the novel ever since
its emergence

Since these beginnings in England and America, each successive era has
found its mode of life, political and social philosophies, triumphs and
failures, fads and fashions, fears and aspirations mirrored in the novels of
the time. Today the novel remains the most popular and most widely read form of

How is the novel distinguished
from briefer prose works?

The novel is distinguished from briefer
prose works as the novel authors develop one or more characters
(characterization) and establish their motivation and construct intricate

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رابط المشاركه
Novel م3

is a "novella"?

Novella is a shorter fictional prose work that ranges
from roughly fifty to one hundred pages in length

are the advantages of the lengthy novel?

did the novel first appear on the literary scene?

Scholars disagree about when the novel first appeared
on the literary scene

was the first English woman to support herself as a writer?

Aphra Behn is the first English woman to support
herself as a writer.

is the significance of Don Quixote in literature?

(Don Quixote played a major role in the development of the realistic
novel. Explain.)

The significance of Don Quixote is that it is
a close ancestor of the first novel. It is also the most famous and influential
of the picaresque narrative often viewed as transitional works linking the
prose tale and the novel in Western literary history.

is the most famous and influential picaresque تشردي narrative?

Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote de la Mancha

are picaresque narratives characterized by?

Picaresque narratives can be seen as a framed set of
tales; episodic in structure, they recount a series of events linked by the
presence of a single, usually roguish, protagonist or main character.

do medieval romances and romances written during the renaissance share?

romances and romances writers during the Renaissance share some features ميزات.

Medieval romances and
romances written during the Renaissance share the length characteristic of the
novel and an intricate plot which features quests, chivalry and the fantastic
or supernatural

is the origin of the novel?

Short story

1. Define, the term, “short story”,

The short story is A
fictional narrative in prose, ranging in length from about 500 words (a
"short short story") to about 15000 words, often, though certainly
not always, limited to a very few characters, a single setting, and a single

2. State Edger Allan Poe's description
of the short story.

Edgar Allan Poe's description was "a short prose
narrative, requiring from a half-hour to one or two hours in its perusal".

3. The short story has a unity of
effect, tone, mood and impression. Explain.

The short story has a unity of
effect, tone, mood and impression due to its relative
brevity and compression

4. There are similarities between
the novel and the short story. Explain.

There are similarities between
the novel and the short story .they may be may be tragic,
comic, or satiric. It may represent a work of realism, naturalism, or fantasy.

5. State the difference between
the short story and the novel.

The short story is distinguished from the novel by
its simple purpose that reveals essential aspects of a character or characters,
not to show character development over time.

6. Where did the novel emerge?

7. What are the forms story telling
took during the renaissance?

Forms story are telling took
during the renaissance are beast fables, exempla,
folktales, and chivalric romances.

8. When did the short story
emerge as a literary genre?

In the nineteenth century the short story
emerged as a literary genre

9. How did the short story change
in the 20th c?

During the twentieth century, the form has been
greatly varied, refined, and extended by such modern masters as O. Henry, Phillip
Roth, J. D. Salinger and John Barth among many others.

10. Mention two important literary
figures in the 19th c and the 20th c.

Poe in the 19th c and O. Henry in the
20th c.

Short story م4

is the difference between the short story and the anecdote نادرة?

The short story distinguished from the anecdote by
its meticulous and deliberate مدروس craftsmanship, which may involve such things as
definite plot structure, complexity of characterization, and often a point of
view from which the story is told.

is the difference between the short story and the novel?

The short story is distinguished from the novel by
its simple purpose that reveals essential aspects of a character or characters,
not to show character development over time.

did the short story emerge as a dominant literary genre?

In the twentieth century, the short story has emerged
as a dominant literary genre

presentation of action in the short story declined انحدر in the 20th c. Explain.

(The 20th witnessed a
decline in action presentation in the short story. Explain.)

The presentation of action in the short story
declined in the 21stC since short story writers started to focus on
the harsh realities of modern life or their characters’ internal and
psychological states.

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رابط المشاركه
شكرا جزيلا و لكن الدكتورة متكلمتش عن الشخصيات ؟ أنا شفت ان كل الامتحانات السابقة احتوت علي شخصيات.

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رابط المشاركه
في الحقيقة ان لم أحضر هذه المادة ولكن لسة فاضل محاضرة كمان(الأخيرة)
لو قدرت أعرف من اللي حيحضروها أي شيء سوف أكتبه لكم غن شاء الله
خاصة لمساعدة المقيمين بعيدًا عن القاهرة
وانا لا أحضر بانتظام بسبب الأولاد ولكن لي صديقة تحضر أحيانًا وإذا عرفت شيء فلن أبخل
ولا تنسوني بالدعاء

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
على فكرة الملخص أنا التي قمت بغجابة الأسئلة من خلال التطبيقات ، ولكم حق المراجعة حتى إذا أخطأت في شيء يمكنكم تعديله، فجل من لا يخطئ. فهذا مجهودي الشخصى.
وفقكم الله

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
اولا اهلا بيكي اخت جيهان معنا في المنتدي

ومشكورة علي الروح الايجابية التي تتميزي بها منذ كنا سويا في منتديات الامة العربية

ةارجو ان تدوامي علي هذا التفاعل ومشكورة علي هذه الملخصات

بالنسبة لامتحان هذه المادة كما قلت سابقا

انا دخلت امتحان هذه المادة التيرم الماضي

ولم اكن اعرف عنها سوي عشرين سؤال محلوليين كانوا

نزلوا في احد المحاضرات علي النت

والامتحان لم يخرج من العشرين سؤال باستثناء طبعا قطعة الترجمة الصغيرة

والصعبة اللي كانت في اخر الامتحان

وتقدري تشوفي قطعه الترجمة في هذا الموضوع

اجابة سؤال الترجمة في امتحان مادة نصوص ادبية

والحمد لله حصلت فيها علي تقدير جيد جدا

وبالتوفيق للجميع

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رابط المشاركه
نسيت اقول حاجه مهمه

ان اول سؤال بيطلب منك انك تكتبي عن احد الشخصيات المقررة عليكي

التيرم اللي فات كان عندنا اربع شخصيات مقررين يعني نزلوا في محاضرات علي النت

وبيبقي فيه قطعه علي كل شخصية تقريبا حوالي 10 سطور

لازم تتحفظ القطع دي لانه هييجي واحده منهم في الامتحان

التيرم اللي فات كان اول سؤال وكان بيخيرك تكتبي عن واحدة من شخصيتين من المقررين

انا اخترت شكسبير لاني كنت حفظه كويس والشخصية التانية تقريبا كانت ايميلي برو

انا كتبت اللي حفظه قبل ماسطر ورقة الاجابة او اعمل اي حاجه لاني كان ممكن انساه لاني

كنتي حفظه قبل الامتحان بيوم

لو افتكرت حاجه تانية هابقي اقولكم

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتـــــــــــــــــــــــته
حبيت أقول لكم أن الملخص السابق به بعض الأسئلة التي لم أجب عنها لني لم أستطع استخراج إجاباتها.
ويا رايت لمن يعرف الإجابة أن يجيبنا عنها
وبـــــــــــــــارك الله فيكم

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رابط المشاركه
إن شاء الله لو ذكرتهم هطلع الاجابة و هكتبها هنا ، الاسئلة مبعثرة في الوسط يعني لازم تدور عليها يا حمدي. و الف شكر يا اخت جيهان علي مجهودك.

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رابط المشاركه

مجرد اقتراح
ركزوا على الأسئلة الموجودة في المحاضرة الخامسة
ثم الأسئلة التي اذيعت على التلفزيون والتي أضافتها الدكتورة هذا الترم فقط ( أي لم تكن موجودة بالترم الماضي)
ثم اللى عايز يزيد هو حر في الباقي
أما عن الشخصيات

في الحقيقة أنا لا أحضر ولكن صديقتي هي التي تحضر وتقول لى وأنا أقول لكم
وهي للأسف لم تحضر المحاضرة الأخيرة من هذه المادة ولكن أنا أقترح أن
تذاكر ثلاث شخصيات بالكتابة وأكيد سوف يأتي منهم واحدة إن لم يكن الأثنان
وأترك الشخصية التي تجدها صعبة عليك في الحفظ والكلمات
وكمان انا سمعت من واحدة في الجامعة ولكني مش متاكدة أن الدكتورة قالت أنها ممكن تجيب الشخصيات كأسئلة صح و غلط

هذه معلوماتي وبالله التوفيق

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رابط المشاركه

انشئ حساب جديد او قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من اضافه تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

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